According to Public Bidding n° 181/2015 carried out by Subterraneos de Buenos Aires and as a consequence of unfinished works left behind due to the exit from the country of Isolux firm (first successful bidder of this work); BRt was the company responsible of completing –in due time and manner- these works which made possible to inaugurate three new stations of Line E of Buenos Aires Subway (Correo Central, Catalinas and Retiro), and also add, in its south terminal, and extension towards new Lacarra workshop where maintenance of trains of this line are carried out.
As part of works, BRt has: power cables installation, conventional catenary installation in Virreyes – Lacarra section and in the switching yard before the main nave of 3 tracks, installation of rigid catenary between Bolivar-Retiro and hoisting rigid catenary within the workshop. Additionally the installation of a Substation (Correo Central) and three power center (one in each station) necessary for power supply needed for the subway to work.
Works in Lacarra workshop